Where did the professional basketball/foreign student system come from? The establishment of PLG coincided with the college arms race

Where did the professional basketball/foreign student system come from? The establishment of PLG coincided with the college arms race

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The new NBA merger caused an uproar by canceling the foreign student draft. Where did this foreign student system come from? The origin can be traced back to 2020 when PLG was founded. At that time, UBA was experiencing a boom in the foreign aid arms race. In the early days of PLG's establishment, in order to 2024奧運increase the source of players and visibility, the foreign student system was established in response to the current trend.

A new chapter for Taiwan basketball! Today (3rd) T1 and PLG ushered in their first cooperation event. In order to select future players for the "new league", the two leagues held a joint physical test meeting. Qian Weijuan and Zhang Sihan, presidents of both leagues, also attended and took photos to symbolize the "new chapter" "The outside world is most curious about the follow-up schedule and regulations of the new alliance, as well as the hottest issue of foreign students in recent times. Before the interview, the alliance's public relations told the media at the scene: "No response."

The PLG and T1 Alliance rookies'巴黎奧運會 joint physical test meeting was held today at the National Taiwan Arts Center. PLG President Zhang Sihan and T1 Alliance President Qian Weijuan rarely publicly "fit", but when they talked about the new alliance, they avoided the important and trivial. New Alliance spokesperson Zhang Shuren did not Show up.Before the joint visit, the two presidents stated that they would not answer questions about the new league. There was no specific answer as to what role the two would play in the new league. Zhang Sihan said: "For me personally, how can basketball need my help? I We will definitely help. We are all basketball players. We join the league because we love the league. From the role of player or director, some opinions can help the league and the team. Next, we will need help. We will help 100%. I hope basketball can continue to develop and grow.”

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